
Pentagrams (five-pointed stars) are used in so many different cultures around the World, and have different meanings in most of them. They have also been used a lot in movies and fiction in general, where they have often been used as symbols of evil, and this has given them a bad reputation, making a lot of people dislike them.

To me, they are a simple but powerful protection sigil deeply connected to Nature. Each of its points symbolizes one of the four Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. The last point, the one one the top, stands for the Spirit, what brings the other Elements together within you.

It is a symbol mostly associated with Earth, a grounding, stabilizing Element, which brings Peace and Comfort. This makes it perfect to have in your Home.

Most of my Pentagrams are created using fallen branches from the Laurisilva Forest, which is a type of Forest you can find in the Canary Islands, where I live. That way I feel that they are even more connected to the element Earth, and carry the Magic of Naure. I like to decorate them with flowers, Crystals, and more. Sometimes I even paint the branches to
create different effects.

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